Located in the heart of the city of Castelo Branco, our Houses welcome you in your visit to the cradle of the Templars, representing a new tourism offer in discovering the never-ending landscapes of Beira Interior and its rooted traditions.


These rehabilitations resulted in carefully embroidered places to welcome you with the comfort required of a real home, making each one a place of Castraleuca., tornando cada uma, um lugar de Castraleuca.

geral@lugaresdecastraleuca.pt | +351 272 247 690 | +351 963 155 889 | Av. General Humberto Delgado, Castelo Branco

(chamada para a rede fixa e móvel nacional)

Os Lugares de Castraleuca @ CBB – Construções Beira Baixa, Lda. | NIF 502 108 371

Casa 3 – Registo Nacional de Turismo n.º10668

Casa 92 – 59474/AL, 93095/AL e 93094/AL